English blogs:
1. Bayblab: Unfortunately I miss many of the posts that they write, but when I happen to read a post, and it can be any post on this site, it is categorically thought inspiring
2. Fresh Brainz: A very nice mix of different subjects here, great writing which makes you stay.
3. Rationally speaking: Always interesting and thoughtfull. Written by a real professor to...
4. A blog from hell: A blog which is more radical than my own, yet when I have read it I have always found something of interest.
5.Life before death: Good writing focused on biology, atheism, and a few surprises here and there.

Swedish blogs:
1. Allotetraploid (Swe): Hard hitting atheism from a former Christian.
2. Anna Does Life (Swe): Posts about almost everything with admirable values as the central core
3. Z (Swe): Great blog from someone I tend to disagree with. Always willing to take part in discussions, not dogmatic, model christian (in my view)
4. Orsakverkan: In many ways similar to my own blog.
The above are all brilliant blogs. It was hard to rank them...
thanks, man!
One blog i think would entertain you, is "Friendly Atheist" from my blogroll. The name itself is fun to me, like saying:
"Yes, us atheists can be friendly"
Dude, tack!! :D
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